Monday, October 27, 2008

My B-day!!! Yay!!! :)

Again, YAY!!! I love my b-day!!! It is November 6th and I will be 13 years old. I am glad I am getting older because everybody keeps getting too darn ahead of me. I want lots of random things from hair stuff to duffle bags to candy corn and why??? Because I feel like it. :) ...and I dont want to stop myself! When I feel like it, I feel like it...darn it.

Recently in Social Studies...

I sound like a geek, but Miss Hall got me so darn into it and it is driving me nuts. Since there are elections coming, we have been learning about democrats and republicans and (OY!) sometimes it is just easier to be unopinionated. I am much more republican than democrat. I hate abortion (I know, Paul. Hate is a very strong word!)...It is like worse than murder and I can go on and on about this, but you guys are reading so I will spare you a big long rant, and I think that war will get the job done because somebody is always going to be stubborn. However, I really dont like war. Go figure.